321-330 of 345 results
Increasing market access, profitability and sustainability through integrated approaches to fungal disease control (CT13020)
Citrus black spot and emperor brown spot disease control protocols, fungicide options and resistant varieties were explored in this research.
9 March 2017
Development of phenology models and a timing guide for the management of red scale in Australian citrus
This fact sheet provides citrus growers with a project update and background on red scale phenology and how this will affect management techniques.
1 March 2017
Zero residue concept – scoping study for citrus (CT14001)
This project began investigations into lower agrichemical residue production (the zero residue concept) for citrus.
16 February 2017
Commercial development of subtropical mandarin hybrids (CT09023)
This investment progressed the development and evaluation of new mandarin hybrid varieties for subtropical regions, running between 2010 and 2014.
21 December 2016
Delivering robust citrus market information for a more competitive industry (CT13037)
This project made timely, robust national citrus market information available to stakeholders across the citrus value chain.
11 September 2016
Driving awareness and adoption of the citrus industry R&D program through targeted communications (CT13024)
This investment supported the citrus industry's communications program from 2013 to 2015, including production of the Australian Citrus News magazine.
11 September 2016
Extension of citrus practices to maximise marketable fruit size and economic returns through on-farm trials (CT10030)
This project identified non-profitable practices in the citrus industry, extended the uptake of practices that increased yield and marketable fruit and developed ways to evaluate new technologies through on-farm trials
24 June 2016
Delivering a national citrus plantings database - 2014 (CT14010)
This project delivered the 2014 Citrus Tree Census, delivering reporting on Australian citrus planting data.
31 May 2016
Riverina fruit fly campaign coordinator (CT12010)
This investment supported a voluntary, grower-driven fruit fly control program for the Riverina region between 2012 and 2016.
25 May 2016
Australian Citrus Quality Standards Program - stage 2 (CT12004)
This project supported the Australian Citrus Quality Standards program and included large-scale consumer sensory research linking eating quality to the Standards.
23 May 2016