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Completed project Final Research Report

Where should all the trees go? – delivering the insights (NY17000)

This project delivered workshop-style 'Green Light Tour' information sessions across Australia that communicated the results of an earlier study into the impact of tree canopy cover on socio-economic status and well-being to industry leaders, landscape architects, government department staff and other relevant stakeholders.

19 September 2018

Media Release

Internet users vote app the world’s best

Media ReleaseHORT INNOVATION announced today that the Plant Life Balance augmented reality app has been named the Best Lifestyle Mobile Site and App, and Peoples’ Voice winner, in the 22nd annual Webby Awards. Hailed as the “Internet’s highest

27 April 2018

Fact sheet

Managing fungal leaf spot pathogens in production nurseries

This fact sheet provides information on fungal leaf spot pathogens and their biology, symptoms, epidemiology and management in production nurseries.

18 April 2018

Fact sheet

Managing scarab beetles in production nurseries

This fact sheet provides detailed information on scarab beetles and their biology, appearance, host range, damage and management in nurseries.

18 April 2018


Managing gall-inducing insects in production nurseries (management plan)

This pest management plan provides information on how to manage gall inducing insects in production nurseries.

18 April 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Nursery industry statistics and research 2016/17 (NY16004)

This investment collected a range of data on the volume and value of Australian nursery production to allow nursery growers and the broader industry to make timely and effective decisions in planning and resource prioritisation.

27 February 2018

Fact sheet

Botrytis fact sheet

This fact sheet provides growers with a background on Botrytis fungi and their symptoms, epidemiology and management in nurseries.

24 January 2018

Fact sheet

Thrips fact sheet

This fact sheet provides a general introduction to thrips biology and will assist growers in identifying their presence in a crop.

24 January 2018

Fact sheet

Endophytes and latent pathogens - implications for the nursery industry (a 2017 Nursery Paper)

This paper provides an in-depth background on endophytes and examines their potential future impact on the nursery industry.

1 October 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Healthy homes index (NY16008)

This project drew on the existing literature on the benefits of having plants indoors and synthesised this knowledge into a scale of plant benefits which was then used in the development of the Plant Life Balance smartphone app for consumers.

28 September 2017