241-246 of 246 results
Effect of sulphur dioxide and cold on survival of insects during storage of table grapes (TG15003)
This investment demonstrated that current cold and sulphur dioxide treatments for exported table grapes will kill any accidental occurences of pests including long-tailed mealybug, lady bird beetle, European earwig, Argentine ant, Carpophilus beetle and two-spotted spider mite.
7 September 2017
An insight to the Chinese table grape industry – part 3 (TG14700)
International trade missions for the Australian table grape industry were supported by this project between 2014 and 2016, to further develop partnerships, opportunities and understanding in key export markets.
20 March 2017
Australian table grape quality audit 2015-2016 (TG15502)
This project conducted an audit of table grape eating quality in 2015/16 and compared results with the national table grape quality audit undertaken in 2014/15.
20 September 2016
Evaluation of CSIRO table grape breeding material in the Murray Valley, Queensland, WA and the NT (TG13001)
This project progressed identification of new table grape varieties with the potential to improve growers’ profitability and productivity, amid the challenges of variable climates, limited water supply and growing international competition.
16 December 2015
7th International Table Grape Symposium (TG13702)
This investment allowed the Australian table grape industry to plan and host the 7th International Table Grape Symposium during 2014.
5 November 2015
Red blue beetle table grape disinfestation research (TG13002)
This project investigated management strategies for accidental insect pest contamination in export consignments of table grapes, with a focus on red and blue beetles, long-tailed mealy bugs and lady bird beetles.
8 July 2015