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Completed project Final Research Report

Custard Apple Dispatch System (CADS) (CU12001)

The Custard Apple Dispatch System (CADS) was developed and maintained under this project.

3 February 2016

Completed project

Potato leadership and development mission 2015 – China (PT14701)

This investment supported a 2015 Potato Leadership and Development Mission to China, to gain insights into international potato production.

27 January 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Asian market access study tours 2014 (AP14701)

This 2014 project allowed apple and pear industry representatives to attend trade events and market access meetings in China.

27 January 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Data collection to facilitate supply chain transparency (AV12007)

This project supported the Infocado system for monitoring and forecasting volumes of avocados sold, adding price reporting to the data.

22 January 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

World Avocado Congress 2015 - Building research knowledge and capacity for the Australian avocado industry (AV15702)

This project supported two Australian research plant pathologists to attend the 8th World Avocado Congress in September 2015.

15 January 2016

Completed project Final Research Report

Improved postharvest management of chestnuts - phase 2 (CH14005)

Temperatures throughout chestnut supply chains, including during international shipping, were monitored in this research. It also reviewed chestnut retail displays, price and quality.

24 December 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Management of technical, research and market development projects for the nursery industry 2013-2016 (NY12014)

This investment provided coordinated support for nursery industry R&D and market development activities.

20 December 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Avocado industry communications (AV10008)

This investment delivered the avocado industry's communication program between 2011 and 2015, producing the Talking Avocados magazine, Avocados Australia website, Qualicado workshops, online BPR and more.

18 December 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Evaluation of CSIRO table grape breeding material in the Murray Valley, Queensland, WA and the NT (TG13001)

This project progressed identification of new table grape varieties with the potential to improve growers’ profitability and productivity, amid the challenges of variable climates, limited water supply and growing international competition.

16 December 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Facilitating the development of the Victorian strawberry industry (BS12016)

This project extended R&D outcomes to the Victorian strawberry industry through the employment of an industry development officer between 2012 and 2015.

15 December 2015