1051-1060 of 1152 results
Developing a commercial shelf life test for macadamias (MC12002)
A rapid test to predict shelf-life and quality of macadamias was evaluated in this project, which looked at the use of the OdourScan 'electronic nose' instrument.
16 July 2015
Plant health biosecurity, risk management and capacity building for the nursery industry (NY11001)
For nursery businesses, this project produced more than 20 fact sheets on pest and disease identification and management, while also delivering training workshops, diagnostic services and biosecurity support.
13 July 2015
Managing carob moth in almonds (AL12004)
This project investigated carob moth (Ectomyelois ceratoniae) as a key pest in almond crops. It produced carob moth monitoring guidelines, info on how to mange the pest and more.
13 July 2015
Establishment of systems to validate pest free place of production for Queensland fruit fly in the Yarra Valley (MT13031)
This two-year project developed a Pest Free Place of Production (PFPP) program in the Yarra Valley for Queensland fruit fly.
13 July 2015
Delivering information and technology to the mango industry - stage 2 (MG10013)
This mango industry development project delivered information and training packages, events and other information to growers between 2011 and 2014.
13 July 2015
Building capacity in the NT mango industry using small-group extension (MG12005)
This mango industry development project delivered small-group extension activities in the Northern Territory between 2012 and 2015.
13 July 2015
Data collection to facilitate supply chain transparency - stage 2 (MG12007)
Between 2012 and 2015, daily wholesale prices and information on mango quality at the markets was reported to growers through this project.
13 July 2015
Industry Development and Capacity Building using the Nursery Production Farm Management System 2013-2015 - Phase 3 (NY12016)
This project funded a suite of activities to drive nursery industry development and market access based on the Nursery Production Farm Management System.
13 July 2015
Red blue beetle table grape disinfestation research (TG13002)
This project investigated management strategies for accidental insect pest contamination in export consignments of table grapes, with a focus on red and blue beetles, long-tailed mealy bugs and lady bird beetles.
8 July 2015
Apple and pear industry Asian export market development (AP11023)
This project, which ran from 2012 to 2015, worked to build industry export capability and develop markets for Australian apples and pears in South East Asia.
29 June 2015