331-340 of 1152 results
Australia Fresh Collaboration Market Development Program - Almonds (AM15007)
This project developed and managed an Export Market Development Program that aimed to grow Australian almond exports to the West Asian region of the UAE and the East Asian region of Japan.
12 March 2020
Almond Industry Market Development Program – Europe (AL16010)
This investment supported the continued growth of Australian almond exports to Europe through attendance at major trade shows and by providing Australian industry updates to key European customers.
15 September 2020
Identifying factors that influence spur productivity in almond (AL14005)
This project investigated the effects of irrigation, nitrogen and light interception on spur production in Nonpareil and Carmel trees.
30 September 2020
2019 Asia Fruit Logistica trade show report
This report provides details of the 2019 Asia Fruit Logistica trade show
28 September 2020
Financial performance of Australian vegetable farms 2016-2017 to 2018-2019 (VG15077)
This project provided the vegetable industry with comprehensive production and financial performance data.
19 November 2019
2019 National Turf Conference and Women in Turf support (TU19001)
This project supported the 2019 National Turf Conference and a Women in Turf shoulder event.
15 September 2020
Global review of incentive schemes for the retention and successful establishment of trees on private urban land (NY18002)
This project investigated the mechanisms various urban cities have put in place to increase and retain tress on private urban land.
28 May 2020
Almond productivity: Tree architecture and development of new growing systems (AL14007)
This investment looked at how tree architecture and the use of high-density growing systems can improve almond productivity.
9 September 2020
Banana consumer insights research (BA19001)
This short investment provided the banana industry with consumer insights data to guide continuous development and success of the industry.
30 April 2020
Almond industry statistics and data collection 2017-2019 (AL16003)
This project delivered industry statistics, crop forecasts and export position information to facilitate the continual development of the almond industry during a particularly dynamic period.
9 April 2020