41-50 of 136 results
Australian horticulture international demand creation (ST21007)
This investment delivered insights into what the international consumer wants across 13 priority markets for the Australian horticulture sector.
17 July 2023
Mango export strategy (MG21000)
This investment developed a five-year export strategy for the mango industry.
10 May 2022
Multi-industry export program (Vegetables, Onions and Melons) (MT21009)
This investment is tasked with providing international trade development support for Australian vegetable, onion and melon growers.
29 April 2022
Quantifying the cost of phytosanitary disinfestation to the Australian horticulture sector (ST21004 (ST21004)
This short project quantified the costs associated with phytosanitary disinfestation for Australian horticulture trade.
28 April 2022
Australian onions export market intelligence (VN20004)
This short project provided the onion industry with valuable insights to improve understanding of markets and export opportunities.
28 September 2022
Apple and pear market access and trade development (AP21001)
This investment is tasked with bolstering industry readiness, knowledge and technical capabilities around export, and delivering work to improve and maintain international market access.
29 March 2022
Avocado Export Strategy 2022-2026 (AV21000)
This investment developed a five-year export strategy for the avocado industry
26 September 2022
Table grape export readiness and market access (TG17000) (TG17000b)
This investment continued work into market access and development for the Australian table grape industry.
3 December 2021
Potato workshop and market access strategy (PU19001)
This project developed high-level market access strategies for seed and ware potatoes to inform a full export strategy for the fresh potato industry.
2 December 2021
Australian sweetpotato market insight reports (PW19000)
This investment will improve the sweetpotato domestic supply chain’s understanding of international markets and consumers.
2 December 2021