11-20 of 911 results
Australian nursery industry communications program (NY18001)
This program ensured Australian nursery and garden growers and other industry stakeholders were kept up-to-date with the latest news, information and R&D and marketing updates to support decision-making within businesses
19 December 2022
Banana Industry Congress 2021 (BA19003)
The Australian Banana Industry Congress is the Australian banana industry’s signature national event held once every two years. This investment supported the running of the 14th congress, which was held in Cairns, Queensland in March 2021.
12 December 2022
Management of six-spotted mite in WA avocado orchards – phase 2 (AV19002)
This investment delivered effective options for the integrated pest management (IPM) of six-spotted mite in avocado orchards
20 October 2022
Improving diagnostics and biosecurity for graft-transmissible diseases in citrus (CT17007)
With a focus on graft-transmissible pathogens, this investment worked to improve biosecurity for the Australian citrus industry.
20 October 2022
New technology for sanitising fresh produce and nuts (HN15000)
This project focused on the development of a new tool to reduce food safety risks to both consumers and industry.
27 June 2022
Improved plant protection for the banana industry (BA16001) and Strengthening the banana industry diagnostic capacity (BA16005) (BA16001 and BA16005)
These Banana Plant Protection Program investments played a vital role for the Australian banana industry.
3 June 2022
Developing agri-tech solutions for the Australian apple industry (AP16005)
This project investigated technology to ultimately support variable rate autonomous spraying in apple crops.
2 June 2022
New custard apple varieties and enhanced industry productivity (CU16002)
This investment developed new custard apple varieties, evaluating new rootstocks, and delivering industry development activities.
1 June 2022
Field-based testing for fall armyworm (MT19014)
This short investment conducted research to foster national collaboration in monitoring the movement of fall armyworm
1 June 2022
Macadamia crop forecasting 2020-2022 (MC18003)
This investment was responsible for producing macadamia crop forecasts.
1 June 2022