1-10 of 26 results
Horticulture Impact Assessment Program 2023/24 to 2025/26 (MT24005)
Hort Innovation engages independent consultants to evaluate the impact of our R&D investments, providing insights into the type and magnitude of impacts that are being generated across the company’s strategic levy programs.
10 October 2024
The pistachio industry’s development, extension and adoption program (PS23001)
This investment builds capacity across the pistachio industry with an emphasis on extending knowledge from both local and international sources to promote adoption of current best practice under Australian conditions.
21 June 2024
Pistachio production research program (PS22000)
This project supports improvements in the cultivation of pistachios and the uptake of new and changing production practices through research, development and extension activities.
9 November 2023
Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook 2021-22 to 2023-24 (MT21006)
This whole-of-horticulture investment is responsible for producing Hort Innovation’s annual Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook
11 May 2022
Feasibility study into opportunities for high-technology horticulture production in urban environments (HA19005)
This project provided recommendations on how the Australian horticulture industry can realise opportunities surrounding high technology horticulture production in urban environments and build the capacity of this sector.
12 January 2022
Advanced production for temperate nut crops (various projects) (ST16000)
This investment developed advanced production systems for nut industries using two tree nut crops, almond and walnuts, as model crops.
1 December 2021
Technology transfer for pistachio growers (PS17002)
This investment brought the latest in Australian and international research, best practice and technical information to the nation’s pistachio growers.
18 October 2021
Regulatory support and coordination (pesticides) (MT20007)
This project provided the Australian horticulture industry with key information regarding domestic and international pesticide regulation.
23 September 2024
Supporting the adoption of best management practices for pistachio growers through on-farm demonstrations and regional discussion groups (PS20000)
This project supported the pistachio industry to develop and maintain effective information extension and technology transfer.
20 September 2024
Regulatory support and coordination (pesticides) (MT17019)
Among other thing, this project produced the Ag Chemical Updates, detailing chemical issues and reviews.
9 July 2021