1091-1100 of 1519 results
Enhanced National Bee Pest Surveillance Program (MT16005)
This investment delivered a nationally coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
13 December 2021
Pest status and management of six-spotted mite (Eotetranychus sexmaculatus) in WA avocado orchards (AV15012)
This project investigated six-spotted mite, an exotic insect pest that occurs in avocado orchards in the lower south-west of Western Australia
22 May 2019
Implementing brown sugar flotation (BSF) for assuring freedom of fruit from Qfly (CY16011)
This project has further developed methods of brown sugar flotation testing for Queensland fruit fly eggs and larvae in cherries
8 March 2019
Supply chain quality improvement – technologies and practices to reduce bruising (AV15009)
This project investigated innovative technologies for reducing avocado bruising at the retail level, as well as producing best practice avocado handling information
26 October 2018
National avocado industry communications program (AV15002)
This project aimed to communicate relevant information to avocado growers and industry stakeholders to support their business decisions and industry competitiveness.
13 December 2018
Evaluation of new citrus varieties 2017-2022 (CT17006)
This investment assessed new citrus varieties under local conditions to provide industry with objective performance data.
23 May 2023
Variety evaluation and tree certification services for the apple and pear industry (AP16004)
This project supported the operation of the Australian Pome Fruit Improvement Program (APFIP) to deliver essential infrastructure and information related to the evaluation of new varieties and the certification of trees propagated from high-health-status materials.
29 May 2020
Apple and pear industry minor use permit program (AP16001)
This investment supports applications and renewals of minor use permits for the apple and pear industry
5 December 2018
National apple and pear grower communications program (AP15007)
This program ensured apple and pear growers are kept up-to-date with the latest industry news, information and R&D updates.
21 December 2018
Australian almond industry conferences and field days 2017-2021 (AL16700)
This project supported industry events to help almond growers and supply chain participants improve their businesses.
23 May 2023