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Completed project

Financial performance of Australian vegetable farms 2016-2017 to 2018-2019 (VG15077)

This project provided the vegetable industry with comprehensive production and financial performance data.

19 November 2019

Completed project

2019 National Turf Conference and Women in Turf support (TU19001)

This project supported the 2019 National Turf Conference and a Women in Turf shoulder event.

15 September 2020

Completed project

Global review of incentive schemes for the retention and successful establishment of trees on private urban land (NY18002)

This project investigated the mechanisms various urban cities have put in place to increase and retain tress on private urban land.

28 May 2020

Completed project

Almond productivity: Tree architecture and development of new growing systems (AL14007)

This investment looked at how tree architecture and the use of high-density growing systems can improve almond productivity.

9 September 2020

Completed project

Banana consumer insights research (BA19001)

This short investment provided the banana industry with consumer insights data to guide continuous development and success of the industry.

30 April 2020

Completed project

Almond industry statistics and data collection 2017-2019 (AL16003)

This project delivered industry statistics, crop forecasts and export position information to facilitate the continual development of the almond industry during a particularly dynamic period.

9 April 2020

Final research report Final Research Report

Young growers study tour - New Zealand 2009 (VG08080)

This is a final research report from Hort Innovation’s historical archives. Please note that as these reports may date back as far as the 1990s, the content and recommendations within them may be superseded by more recent research.

1 September 2009

Completed project

Precision seeding benefits for processing pea production (VG15039)

This project evaluated stand density and plant spatial arrangements for the processing green-pea industry for increased yields and profitability.

6 November 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Optimising benefits of vermiculture in commercial-scale vegetable farms (VG15037)

This project investigated commercial scale vermiculture in the Australian vegetable industry to improve productivity

5 February 2020

Completed project

Conveying the benefits of living turf - mitigation of the urban heat island effect (TU18000)

This project explored the effect of living turf compared to synthetic turf on urban temperatures.

27 May 2020