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Completed project Final Research Report

VegNET 2020-2021 (VegNET 2020-2021)

The VegNET program involved a network of regional development officers across Australia, helping vegetable growers access and adopt industry best practice information.

2 December 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Advanced production for temperate nut crops (various projects) (ST16000)

This investment developed advanced production systems for nut industries using two tree nut crops, almond and walnuts, as model crops.

1 December 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Effective control of Listeria on rockmelons through alternative post-harvest treatment methods (VM20007)

This project determined the optimum postharvest strategies to reduce the risk of listeria contamination of melons.

18 September 2023

Ongoing project

Turf industry statistics 2020-21 to 2024-25 (TU21000)

This investment is tasked with providing accurate and reliable data for the turf industry

23 November 2021

Ongoing project

Nursery industry statistics 2020-21 to 2024-25 (NY21000)

This investment is tasked with collecting a range of data related to the volume and value of nursery production

23 November 2021

Ongoing project

Innovation at Work (LP20000)

This investment is exploring new processes for delivering extension within horticultural industries in Australia

23 November 2021

Ongoing project

Australian Citrus Breeding Program (CT21001)

This investment is undertaking a comprehensive and diverse breeding program designed to sustain the viability of the Australian citrus industry

23 November 2021

Ongoing project

Integrated disease management of citrus black spot and ‘Emperor’ brown spot (CT20009)

This investment is tasked with identifying complementary integrated disease management (IDM) tools for the effective management of citrus black spot, ‘Emperor’ brown spot and to a lesser extent, citrus black core rot

23 November 2021

Ongoing project

Integrated disease management of black core rot in citrus (CT20008)

This investment is developing integrated pest and disease management (IPDM) tools for the effective management of citrus black core rot.

23 November 2021

Ongoing project

VegNet 3.0 (VG21000)

This investment is tasked with keeping Australian vegetable growers informed about current R&D activities, results and resources

23 November 2021