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Ongoing project

Opportunities for insecticide resistant honey bees for pollination security (PH22000)

Key research provider: Macquarie University

What is it all about?

This investment explores the potential of using emerging technologies to introduce beneficial traits, such as insecticide resistance, to honey bees. The research will provide recommendations to the Australian horticulture sector on what options are technically feasible, desirable to growers, environmentally sound, allowed by existing regulatory frameworks and publicly acceptable.

To do this, the research team will:

  • Conduct a global review of current research into insecticide-resistant honey bees and stingless bees, focusing on gene editing technologies.
  • Develop a prioritised list in consultation with the horticulture and beekeeping industries of the insecticide groups of concern that Australian work should focus on.
  • Assess industry and public perception of gene editing technologies and potential impediments to research uptake, considering different types of gene editing and their regulation in Australia.
  • Review pathways to market and how this technology will integrate into other breeding/biotechnology programs to enable genetic improvement.


Read a flyer about the project and find out how you can get involved here.