21-30 of 237 results
PestREADI: Regionally-enabled agroecological decision (BY22003)
The investment is developing and implementing pest management systems that can respond to a range of current, establishing, and future interrelated pest challenges at both crop and landscape levels within an increasingly chemically-limited future.
19 March 2024
Translating RNAi technology for virus and whitefly management in protected cropping systems (AS22003)
This project is developing a new crop protection approach to manage viruses and their insect vectors in Australian protected cropping applications, with the overall aim of improving sustainability and profitability.
19 March 2024
Emerging trends on non-tariff measures in the horticulture sector (AM22001)
This project enhanced the Australian horticulture industry's understanding of trends concerning sustainability-related NTMs.
12 December 2024
Biocontrols for snail management in horticulture (BY22006)
This project is investigating current and potential approaches to mollusc control in Australian horticulture .
13 December 2023
Scouting responses to labour challenges in Australian horticulture (AS23004)
This project identified startups across the globe with innovative technologies for addressing labour shortages in Australian horticulture.
28 May 2024
Understanding cross-protection of viral diseases in horticultural crops – a case study of citrus tristeza virus (BY22002)
This investment is developing a vaccine-like solution to arm the Australian citrus industry with an effective way to combat citrus tristeza virus.
9 November 2023
Spatially enabling tree crop production practice (AS23000)
This investment seeks to geographically identify and map fundamental industry information such as variety, planting date, management, and productivity of tree orchards.
9 November 2023
Almond Centre of Excellence operation and maintenance (AL23000)
This project provides for the ongoing operations, maintenance and expansion of the Almond Centre of Excellence (ACE).
24 October 2023
Horticulture food safety initiative (HN21000)
This project is empowering the Australian and New Zealand fresh produce industries to raise the standard of food safety by bringing knowledge that is proven, trusted, accessible and easy to implement.
25 September 2023
Research for impact (LP22001)
This program is building the capability of researchers across ten leading agricultural research organisations so that they can effectively integrate adoption thinking and practice into their processes.
19 September 2023