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Ongoing project

Demonstrating the benefits of increasing available green infrastructure in residential homes (GC21000)

This project will demonstrate and quantify the human and environmental benefits of integrating blue and green infrastructure into residential builds by constructing a ‘Future Home’ at the Olivine by Mirvac display village.

23 August 2023

Ongoing project

Supporting the health and expansion of the Australian stingless bee industry (PH22004)

This investment is supporting the health and expansion of the Australian stingless bee industry by improving understanding of stingless bee nutrition, pathogens, mass reproduction and pollination efficacy for different crop species and cropping environments.

22 August 2023

Ongoing project

Narrow orchard systems for future climates (AS22002)

This program is establishing research sites across the country to determine whether transitioning to narrower orchard systems could benefit pome and stone fruits.

22 August 2023

Ongoing project

Sustainable and healthy nuts for life (HN22001)

This project funds the Nuts for Life program, which aims to reduce the gap between Australia’s current average daily consumption of 7 grams of nuts per person per day and the recommended consumption of 30 grams.

12 July 2023

Ongoing project

Electrochemical pest detection (BY22007)

This investment is developing a standalone electrochemical detection system for invasive pest insects that is readily deployable in shipping containers and adaptable to other settings. This will protect horticultural crops in Australia by reducing risk of incursions by exotic insect pests.

3 July 2023

Ongoing project

Modernising phytosanitary risk management (AM21002)

This investment will work closely with domestic biosecurity regulators to strengthen Australia’s scientific approach to managing phytosanitary risks, making it easier for growers to conduct safe cross-border trade.

17 May 2023

Ongoing project

Streamlining diagnostics for horticultural seeds imported into Australia (BY22011)

This investment is developing a single diagnostic test (as opposed to the many tests currently required) to detect and mitigate the risk of introducing pathogens into the Australian horticulture sector via imported seeds.

17 May 2023

Ongoing project

Behavioural and biological management of endemic and exotic leafminers in protected cropping systems (BY22001)

This investment is exploring behavioural and biological methods of managing and detecting endemic and exotic leafminers in protected cropping systems.

19 April 2023

Ongoing project

Best practices for evaluation of bee health technology (PH22003)

This investment is evaluating a range of sensor-based tools for bee health monitoring so that recommendations can be made to beekeepers on available options to improve awareness of their hive health.

19 April 2023

Completed project Final Research Report

Exploration of advanced control and detection methods for varroa mite (PH22002)

This investment assisted the Australian beekeeping industry in responding to the incursion of Varroa Mite by providing information on developing technologies to monitor and control the mite in the Australian context.

10 September 2024