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Selwyn Snell to retire as Chair of Hort Innovation

ArticleAFTER 11 impactful years, Hort Innovation Chair Selwyn Snell is set to retire from horticulture’s research and development corporation in November this year. The change comes as the company’s Constitution calls for three of its nine sitting

5 June 2020

Media Release

Hort Innovation launches fruit, veg and nuts campaign to support Australian growers

Media ReleaseIn Australia, growers have faced numerous challenges including drought, floods and bushfires. COVID-19 has thrown challenges to the nation impacting mental wellbeing and mood through isolation. It has affected Australian growers with

29 May 2020


Key sustainability issues identified for Australian horticulture

ArticleNEW RESEARCH for Hort Innovation has identified the sustainability topics that are most important to people interested in Australian horticulture, from growers through to consumers and communities. Having ethical and resilient practices,

22 May 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

BerryQuest International 2022 (MT19009)

This investment supported the running of BerryQuest International 2021, which was held in the Gold Coast, Queensland in July 2022.

8 February 2022

Media Release

Australia’s leading health and research institutes urge Australians to continue enjoying fresh produce during COVID-19 outbreak

Media ReleaseTHE ADVICE FROM LEADING HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES is that Australians should follow current government advice that there is no evidence COVID-19 can be transmitted through food and extra care should be taken with hygiene when

29 March 2020

Media Release

The next generation Horticulture Statistics Handbook is here

Media ReleaseCaption: Grower navigating the Horticulture Statistics Handbook online THE LATEST EDITION of the much-anticipated Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook is now live and boasts an exciting new interactive dashboard with improved

30 March 2020

Completed project Final Research Report

Facilitating the development of the Australian berry industries (MT18020)

From 2019 to 2023, this multi-industry investment supported Australian berry growers to adopt improved practices on-farm and kept them up to date with the latest industry news, information, resources and technologies.

24 October 2023


Fall armyworm update and alert

Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is an exotic pest that has recently been detected for the first time in Australia. Hort Innovation is keeping a close eye on the situation and is currently working with the relevant authorities to prepare and protect the horticulture sector against any potential spread of fall armyworm.

30 October 2020

Media Release

Caffeine linked to rapid testicle growth, stronger sex drive in male fruit flies

Media ReleaseIN THEIR quest to create the ‘ultimate sterile male fruit fly’ to attract wild females and curb a pest that is costing Australian farmers up to $300 million in lost markets each year, scientists have turned to caffeine. A recent study,

29 January 2020