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Almond Centre for Excellence orchard update

This presentation gives an update of the almond orchard and future project plans

30 August 2019

Fact sheet

Drought strategies for almonds

This fact sheet provides drought strategies for almonds

30 August 2019

Fact sheet

Reducing the risk of spray drift - haloxyfop factsheet

This factsheet provides almond growers with guidelines on how to apply herbicides to grass weeds, with a focus on the product haloxyfop.

30 August 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Reducing granulation in the production of Imperial mandarins (CT19005)

This investment establishing several on-farm trials to investigate the impact of irrigation and nutrition on granulation in Imperial mandarins.

18 September 2023

Ongoing project

Almond Centre of Excellence experimental and demonstration orchard (AL19000)

This project is providing funding for the infrastructure and maintenance needed for the Almond Centre of Excellence experimental and demonstration orchard

7 May 2020

Media Release

Growers taste sweet success with innovative tech

Media ReleaseCaption: Professor Kerry Walsh testing dry matter in mango with the F-750 meter. A NON-INVASIVE tool that can determine the ripeness of fruit while still on the tree, eliminate produce waste through manual maturity testing and provide

18 March 2020

Fact sheet

Recognising onion bulb quality and crop nutrition in preparation for export markets

This fact sheet provides onion growers with information on the optimisation of onion bulb quality and the influence of crop nutrition when preparing for export markets

6 March 2020

Fact sheet

Resistant ryegrass in onion production

This fact sheet addresses the issue of resistant ryegrass, focusing on herbicide resistance and herbicide tolerance, helping growers understand management practices, providing a number of external tools and resources

6 March 2020

Ongoing project

Internal fruit rot of capsicum (VG17012)

This investment is investigating the causes behind internal fruit rot in capsicums and developing management techniques for growers to both prevent infection and minimise the risk of sending damaged fruit to market.

2 March 2020