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Media Release

Nation’s fruit and veggies bear weight in 2030 debate

Media ReleaseTHE AUSTRALIAN horticulture sector could climb to up to $30 billion over the next decade, putting a significant dent in the national agriculture industry’s target of reaching $100 billion in production by 2030. Revealed in a recent

23 October 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Banana bunchy top virus project, phase 4 – national surveillance and education (BA18000)

This investment played an important role in controlling the banana bunchy top virus in Australia.

26 September 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

SITplus: Port Augusta Qfly SIT factory pilot operation (FF18003)

This investment continued to support the operations of the sterile Queensland fruit fly facility established in Port Augusta, South Australia.

16 August 2023

Fact sheet

Managing chewing and biting pests in strawberries

This fact sheet summarises the information growers need to know about sustainably managing chewing and biting pests in their strawberry crop

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Managing foliar and fruit diseases in strawberries

This fact sheet summarises the information growers need to know about sustainably managing foliar and fruit diseases in their strawberry crop

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Managing sucking pests in strawberries

This fact sheet summarises the information growers need to know about sustainably managing sucking pests in their strawberry crop

30 June 2019


Australian strawberry good practice guide

This strawberry best practice guide providers growers with key information on managing resources, dealing with pests and how to look after strawberries post-harvest

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Postharvest diseases and disorders of strawberries

This fact sheet provides growers with information on a range of postharvest diseases and disorders that occur in strawberry production

30 June 2019

Completed project

Revision of the owner reimbursement costs framework for the Australian banana industry (BA16012)

This investment was responsible for revising the Evidence Framework for Reimbursement Costs, developed for the banana industry in response to the freckle incursion in the Northern Territory

29 April 2018

Media Release

Sterile flies soon to hit NSW and Victorian skies

Media ReleaseCaption: NSW DPI researcher Dr Solomon Balagawi checking a fruit fly trap in Hillston, NSW. MILLIONS OF sterile Queensland Fruit Flies will be released over trial sites in western NSW and northern Victoria this week as scientists

10 September 2019