61-70 of 723 results
An integrated systems based approach for pest management in Australian macadamia (MC21000)
This investment is establishing a decision-support system to facilitate timely and effective pest management decisions for Australian macadamia growers and other industry stakeholders.
3 August 2022
National Fruit Fly Council – Phase 4 (FF20000)
The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) is a strategic body bringing together federal and state governments, growers and research funders to oversee the implementation of the National Fruit Fly Strategy.
2 August 2022
Avocado industry biosecurity strategy 2022-2026 (AV21002)
This investment is delivering improved biosecurity outcomes for the Australian avocado industry through implementing a range of industry preparedness and prevention strategies.
14 July 2022
Banana integrated pest and disease management program (BA21004)
This investment is working to increase the banana industry’s knowledge of significant pests and diseases and how to control them using integrated pest and disease management strategies that will reduce the reliance on broad-spectrum insecticides and fungicides.
16 June 2022
Improved plant protection for the banana industry (BA16001) and Strengthening the banana industry diagnostic capacity (BA16005) (BA16001 and BA16005)
These Banana Plant Protection Program investments played a vital role for the Australian banana industry.
3 June 2022
Generation of data for pesticide applications in horticulture crops 2022 (ST21001 and ST21006)
This project is providing access to safe and effective chemicals for the management of pests, weeds and diseases.
2 June 2022
Effective fall armyworm pheromone blends for improved monitoring and population estimation in Australia (AS21000)
This investment is investigating the geographical variation of the sex pheromone in fall armyworm populations in Australia
2 June 2022
Apple and pear biosecurity plan review (AP21003)
This five-year investment is reviewing and updating the Australian apple and pear industry’s current biosecurity plan
2 June 2022
Field-based testing for fall armyworm (MT19014)
This short investment conducted research to foster national collaboration in monitoring the movement of fall armyworm
1 June 2022
Review and extension of avocado pests and their management (AV19001)
This project explored potential barriers to IPM uptake and delivered practical information and resources for incorporating IPM on farm for avocado growers
31 May 2022