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Completed project Final Research Report

Identifying factors that contribute to mango resin canal discolouration (MG12018)

What causes resin canal discolouration in mangoes was investigated in this project, which looked at Kensington Pride mangoes.

25 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Improving fruit quality and profitability of Honey Gold mango (MG10009)

Improving Honey Gold mango fruit quality was the focus of this work, including investigating factors that contribute to fruit downgrading.

12 June 2014

Completed project Final Research Report

Reducing skin damage and improving postharvest efficiency of Calypso mango (MG10008)

This project investigated ways to reduce skin damage/ageing in Calypso mango and approaches for gaining postharvest efficiencies, such as the feasibility of in-transit ripening.

31 May 2015

Completed project Final Research Report

Novel, sustainable and profitable horticultural management systems: soil amendments and carbon sequestration (HG10025)

Approaches to converting horticultural and other organic waste into biochar as an alternative to traditionally composting were explored in this research.

14 December 2018

Completed project

A value chain approach to horticultural product innovation (AI13012)

This short scoping study helped identify opportunities for maximising value, use and price for Australian produce that currently is not sold as premium produce.

14 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Advanced processing of almonds (AL12003)

This investment supported research into advanced processing technologies for almonds, including effective aeration and dehydration, hulling, cracking and temperature sensors.

7 November 2018

Media Release

Aussie Avocados touch down in Japan

Media ReleaseAUSTRALIAN avocados are the latest premium fresh fruit product to be exported to Japan, cementing new trade relations and market opportunities for our horticultural products. The “Aussie Avo” was ceremoniously launched at a

12 December 2018


Vegenotes 63

This edition of Vegenotes provides the results of trials conducted on SmartFresh, an in-box treatment that was shown to reduce yellowing and extend shelf life of broccoli.

30 November 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

Australian Citrus Quality Standards – stage 3 (CT15013)

Support for the citrus industry to improve harvest timing decisions, grade Imperial mandarin granulation and establish strong links with major retailers

10 May 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Advanced stable fly management for vegetable producers (VG15002)

This investment investigated strategies to reduce the development of stable flies in crop residues left after vegetable harvest

24 January 2019