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Completed project

Avocado export readiness and market access (AV17000)

This project bolstered the Australian avocado industry's readiness and capacity to pursue new and improved export market access.

16 March 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Summerfruit market access and trade development project (SF19000)

This project is supporting the summerfruit industry to maintain and develop their export markets

16 July 2024

Completed project

International Olive Council Committee (OL15002)

This investment ensured the Australian olive industry is prepared for any changes to international regulations.

4 February 2021

Completed project

Strategic export plan renewal for Australian table grapes (TG19002)

This investment was tasked with renewing the export strategy for table grapes

4 December 2020


Strategic pivots help citrus succeed overseas in 2020

Strategic pivots help citrus succeed overseas in 2020ArticleThis year, the Australian citrus season has shown great success in key Asian export markets with an increase in value from the previous season seen in Japan and Vietnam. The 2020 Taste

18 December 2020

Completed project

Melon outbound trade mission (VM18007)

This investment supported the attendance of melon industry representatives and growers at the 2019 Asia Fruit Logistica trade show, under the Taste Australia banner.

29 November 2019

Completed project

Banana outbound trade mission (BA19000)

This investment supported the attendance of banana industry representatives and growers at the 2019 Asia Fruit Logistica trade show, under the Taste Australia banner.

29 November 2019

Fact sheet

Infographic fact sheet

This fact sheet provides key information about Australian Almond Industry for international markets.

6 October 2019

Completed project

Almond Industry Market Development Program – Europe (AL16010)

This investment supported the continued growth of Australian almond exports to Europe through attendance at major trade shows and by providing Australian industry updates to key European customers.

15 September 2020


Citrus export strategy renewal (CT19006)

This investment renewed the export strategy for citrus in collaboration with key stakeholders in industry and government.

10 August 2021