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Media Release

$10M initiative to change the way we green public spaces

Media ReleaseA FUTURE where landscapers, local councils and developers can quickly determine the best long-term plant species to establish, in the face of climate change and other challenges, is not too far away. Today, two of the nation’s leading

11 July 2016

Media Release

Report warns Australian diets lacking in fruit and vegetables

Media ReleaseAUSTRALIA'S largest ever fruit and vegetable survey has found that four out of five Australian adults are not eating enough fruit and vegetables in order to meet the Australian Dietary Guidelines. Worryingly, the Fruit, Vegetables and

3 April 2017

Completed project

Various investments into olive oil quality (OL16007 & OL16008 & OL16005 & OL17005)

The olive levy has supported a range of now-completed work into identifying, testing and removing potential impurities in Australian olive oil.

16 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Vegetable digital asset redevelopment – Veggycation (VG16080)

This investment was responsible for ensuring the resource material on the Veggycation platform was current and able to continue communicating the nutritional and health benefits of vegetables to Australians.

8 January 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Educational opportunities around perceptions of, and aversions to, vegetables through digital media (VG16018)

This investment focused on improving attitudes and education of kids aged 8 to 12 towards vegetables. It delivered an online resource called Phenomenom with videos, lesson plans and activities to help teachers and families deliver food literacy and nutrition education.

21 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Remediation of soil contaminated by Salmonella enterica to expedite plant or replant of vegetables (VG13039)

This project investigated the effect of soil type, temperature, moisture and presence/absence of chicken manure on the survival of Salmonella enterica.

14 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

A new collaborative paradigm for fresh produce safety: stage 2 – a Fresh Produce Safety Centre (HG13026)

This project established the Fresh Produce Safety Centre, an industry-led initiative to enhance fresh produce safety through research, outreach and education.

13 July 2015


Vegeze impact report

The VegEze Impact Report details the process behind the development of the VegEze app and how the overall impact of the app was evaluated. 

1 June 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Food safety, training, extension and capacity for the melon industry (VM17002)

This investment strengthened the food safety systems of the Australian melon industry, by supporting the adoption of best practice across the supply chain

1 May 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Removing barriers of food safety certification for vegetable exporters though GLOBALG.A.P. co-certification (VG16019)

This project helped streamline compliance processes for Australian vegetable growers accessing export markets.

5 December 2018