1121-1130 of 1839 results
International Prune Association Conference 2015 (DP14700)
This project supported industry attendance at the 15th International Prune Association World Prune Conference in 2015.
14 October 2015
Technical development and extension for the Australian prune industry (DP11001)
This project supported the appointment of a part-time industry development officer for the Australian prune industry during 2014.
26 November 2014
New rootstocks to improve production and water use efficiency, sustainability and reduce risks of dried grape production (DG12006)
New high-yielding, water-efficient and drought-tolerant rootstocks for dried grape production were investigated in this project. High-density trials were also conducted.
14 December 2018
Australian cherry evaluation utilising precocious rootstocks (CY12024)
Some 115 new cherry varieties were evaluated under this investment, with the inclusion of promising precocious rootstocks Gisela 6 and Krymsk 5.
24 October 2018
Protecting Australia’s citrus genetic material (CT15005)
This investment supported the National Citrus Repository Program from 2015 to 2018, maintaining and disease testing citrus foundation trees.
14 December 2018
DNA-marker development for flavour compounds in strawberry (BS12006)
This work identified potential genetic markers relating to desirable strawberry flavour compounds, to feed into strawberry breeding and variety selection.
2 February 2016
A value chain approach to horticultural product innovation (AI13012)
This short scoping study helped identify opportunities for maximising value, use and price for Australian produce that currently is not sold as premium produce.
14 December 2018
Autonomous perception systems for horticulture tree crops (AH11009)
This robotics and mechanisation investment contributed to the development of sensing technologies/algorithms, trialed in autonomous perception ground vehicles (the Shimp and Mantis robots).
11 March 2016
Citrus tristeza virus in Australia
This fact sheet provides a snapshot of Citrus tristea virus and how citrus growers can act to reduce its impact on their crops.
30 June 2018
Transformational innovation performance analysis (AI13011)
This project examined the level of innovation in the Australian horticulture industry, and its relationship to productivity.
4 September 2015