131-140 of 1839 results
National tree crop intensification program (AS18000)
This project is delivering step-change orchard system intensification knowledge, understanding and technical advancements to the almond, avocado, citrus, macadamia and mango industries.
3 May 2021
Aussie Apples 'Hit Refresh' brand campaign now live!
This article provides a snapshot of the Aussie Apples new marketing campaign in 2021
12 April 2021
Scale and mealybug management options for lychee growers - an extension toolkit (LY20001)
This investment delivered an extension toolkit for lychee growers on how to manage scale and mealybug pests.
20 April 2023
Macadamia industry innovation and adoption (MC20000) (mc20000)
This project is enhancing the adoption of innovation and technology, and facilitating capacity building, in the Australian macadamia industry.
17 March 2021
The Australian potato grower’s manual (PT19003)
This project delivered a manual for Australian potato growers that hosts a wealth of information about best practice potato management.
28 September 2022
Identifying potential parasitoids of the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, and the risk to Australian horticulture (MT19015)
This project examined potential parasitoids of fall armyworm and delivered extension materials to growers on how to effectively manage this pest.
28 September 2022
RD&E program for control, eradication and preparedness for vegetable leafminer (MT16004)
This project assisted the vegetable industry prepare and protect against the potential spread of the vegetable, serpentine and American serpentine leafminers.
16 March 2021
New innovations to improve mushroom whiteness shelf life (MU19005)
This investment investigated new innovations to improve and maintain mushroom whiteness, looking at both pre- and post-harvest factors.
16 March 2021
Managing hydrophobic soils in potato production
This fact sheet looks at the management of hydrophobic soils in potato production
16 March 2021
Organic soil amendments, biologicals and biostimulants
This fact sheet looks at organic soil amendments, biologicals and biostimulants
16 March 2021