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Case study

Lilydale instant lawn case study

A fact sheet showing how Lilydale Instant Lawn successfully expanded their operations in Victoria, by planning efficiencies into production, including locating the enterprise near a water recycling facility

30 November 2018

Fact sheet

Environmental controls for turf farmers fact sheet

A fact sheet showing how growers can improve environmental outcomes in production including reducing chemical overuse and preventing run off

30 November 2018

Fact sheet

Energy efficiency in turf production fact sheet

A fact sheet showing where energy is used on-farm and where turf growers can make efficiencies in diesel and electricity

30 November 2018


Performance benchmarking for turf production

A 2018 benchmarking report on the performance of turf producers, farm conditions and environmental risks

30 November 2018

Fact sheet

Integrated Pest Management of Redberry Mite in Blackberries 2019

Fact sheet on redberry mite IPM in blackberries

31 December 2018

Fact sheet

Integrated pest management of redberry mite in blackberries

Fact sheet on redberry mite management using integrated pest management

31 December 2018

Media Release

Campaign which championed industry nominated to win

MarketingHORT INNOVATION's Hailstorm Heroes campaign has been recognised as an industry champion with marketing manager Olivia Grey named a finalist for the 2019 PMA and Produce Plus Marketer of the Year Award. All five finalists will be showcased

3 June 2019


Papaya marketing snapshot may 2019

This Hort Innovation Papaya Fund marketing snapshot is from May 2019

30 May 2019

Media Release

Innovative science is key in the fight against fruit fly

Media ReleaseRESEARCHERS ARE investigating how to implement sex selection in fruit flies in a bid to trump up control and eradication measures for the Australian horticulture industry’s most costly pest. In what has been referred to as “genetic

23 May 2019