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Guide for Australian mango growers and exporters - Export market requirements

This guide provides Australian growers and exporters with practical information on export market requirements for mangoes. 

14 December 2018

Completed project Final Research Report

Monitoring mango fruit quality through the supply chain to the US - 2 (MG16003)

The development of mango exports to the United States of America was supported by this project through the 2016/17 and 2017/18 seasons, with qualoty and compliance monitored through the supply chain.

26 June 2017

Completed project Final Research Report

US market access project (LY15001)

A pilot program for exporting lychees to the United States of America was run under this investment, which also produced export resources for growers.

31 July 2018

Media Release

Chinese Trade Officials Inspect Mildura Farms

Media ReleaseIN A BOOST for Mildura’s fruit export profile, Chinese quarantine officials are inspecting two local farms to get a close up look at produce quality and processes as the nation’s horticulture Research and Development Corporation

22 March 2016


Vegetable Industry Export Market Development Strategy 2020

This brochure summarises the comprehensive export market development strategy that Hort Innovation and AUSVEG have developed.

28 February 2017

Media Release

Ramping up the next phase of trade

Media ReleaseTHE NATION'S horticulture Research and Development Corporation, Horticulture Innovation Australia (Hort Innovation), today established two new panels to help promote and boost Australian exports overseas. The panels – a Trade

2 February 2016

Completed project

In market insights and emergency scenario planning (TG17000) (TG17000a)

This project developed an in-market intelligence plan and analysis report for key export markets for Australian table grapes.

13 December 2018

Completed project

Summerfruit China export facilitation (SF17000) (SF17000b)

This investment helped establish a strong pathway for the Australian summerfruit industry to export.

31 August 2020

Completed project

In-market insights and emergency planning (SF17000) (SF17000a)

Activities in this project included developing an in-market intelligence plan and analysis of key export markets for Australian summerfruit

8 March 2019

Media Release

Aussie Avocados touch down in Japan

Media ReleaseAUSTRALIAN avocados are the latest premium fresh fruit product to be exported to Japan, cementing new trade relations and market opportunities for our horticultural products. The “Aussie Avo” was ceremoniously launched at a

12 December 2018