11-20 of 61 results
The EnviroVeg Program 2017-2022 (VG16063) (VG16063a)
The EnviroVeg Program is the vegetable industry’s environmental best management practice (BMP) program.
23 March 2022
Pathway to carbon neutral – whole orchard recycling in almond orchards (AL21000)
This project is quantifying the impact of whole orchard recycling on the carbon footprint of an almond orchard
10 March 2022
Identifying new resistance genes for Panama Tropical Race 4 (BA21000)
This investment is identifying new genetic material associated with Panama Tropical Race 4 resistance with the aim of developing a range of molecular markers to support plant breeding research for Australian banana growers.
16 February 2022
National Bee Pest Surveillance Program: Transition program (MT21008)
This investment is delivering a national coordinated bee-pest surveillance program to help safeguard honey-bee and pollinator-dependent industries in Australia.
19 January 2022
Study to review automation of banana de-handing (BA21005)
This project examined whether automating banana de-handing is feasible, and provided the banana industry with an understanding of what would be required to progress towards automation.
26 September 2022
Novel glass projects (VG15038 and VG16070)
This project collaborated with another investment to improve energy-efficient design and energy use in vegetable greenhouses.
2 December 2021
Dried grape production innovation and adoption program 2021-2026 (DG21000)
This project is assisting dried grape producers access and share leading and emerging research and knowledge on production techniques to grow skills, improve productivity and keep quality high.
14 October 2021
Vegetable Strategic Agrichemical Review Process (SARP) report updates (VG18004)
This investment facilitated a 2020 Strategic Agrichemical Review Process (SARP) for the vegetable industry, to provide an updated view of current priorities and gaps regarding pest, disease and weed control
16 September 2021
Management strategy for serpentine leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis (MT20005)
This project increased awareness and significance of three leafminer pests (serpentine leafminer, American serpentine leafminer and vegetable leafminer), their host range, how they are suited to various regions, what to look out for, and the significance of beneficial insects in managing them and how to look after these beneficial insects by selectively using insecticides.
3 March 2024
Across horticulture support for export MRL compliance (MT19006)
Industry requires access to up-to-date international chemical maximum residue limits (MRLs) to ensure that Australian produce is grown in a manner which is compliant with our trading partners food safety systems.
6 December 2022