31-40 of 61 results
Almond Centre of Excellence experimental and demonstration orchard (AL19000)
This project is providing funding for the infrastructure and maintenance needed for the Almond Centre of Excellence experimental and demonstration orchard
7 May 2020
National tomato potato psyllid and zebra chip surveillance (MT18008)
This investment supported a critical national surveillance, identification and reporting program for Tomato potato psyllid (TPP) and Clso across Australia on behalf of the horticulture industry.
8 March 2023
Internal fruit rot of capsicum (VG17012)
This investment is investigating the causes behind internal fruit rot in capsicums and developing management techniques for growers to both prevent infection and minimise the risk of sending damaged fruit to market.
2 March 2020
Understanding the role of latency in banana bunchy top virus symptom expression (BA19002)
This investment helped the Australian banana industry better understand how banana bunchy top virus spreads and reoccurs
23 August 2023
Development of non-invasive methods and systems for the assessment of hive health (PH17001)
This investment addressed the demand from horticultural industries for greater confidence in pollination services through the evaluation and dissemination of information on hive standards, commercial pollination practices and sensing technology to determine colony health and hive strength in key horticultural industries (almond, avocado, cucurbits, blueberry).
29 April 2024
Banana bunchy top virus project, phase 4 – national surveillance and education (BA18000)
This investment played an important role in controlling the banana bunchy top virus in Australia.
26 September 2022
SITplus: Port Augusta Qfly SIT factory pilot operation (FF18003)
This investment continued to support the operations of the sterile Queensland fruit fly facility established in Port Augusta, South Australia.
16 August 2023
Improving preparedness of the Australian horticultural sector to the threat potentially posed by Xylella fastidiosa (a severe biosecurity risk) (MT17006) (MT17006b)
This multi-industry investment reviewed and allowed Australia to adopt world's best practice methods for detecting and identifying Xylella fastidiosa bacteria
23 August 2023
National Innovation Coaching / Hort360 (VG16063) (VG16063b)
This investment facilitated a pilot program of ‘Innovation Coaching’ for vegetable producers in Queensland
28 September 2018
Development and implementation of protocols to enable importation of improved honey bee genetics to Australia (MT18019)
This investment laid the groundwork for the importation of desirable honey bee germplasm into Australia, with a focus on sourcing genetic material from bees with a tolerance to Varroa mite and its associated viruses
15 December 2021