21-30 of 31 results
Educating health professionals on the nutrition and health benefits of avocados (AV20003)
This investment is delivering evidence-based information about Australian avocados to health and food service professionals in Australia
13 July 2021
Educating healthcare professionals on Australian melons (VM20003)
This project educated healthcare professionals (HPs) about the nutritional benefits of melons and supported the recommendation of melons by HPs to their clients, ultimately increasing melon purchase and consumption.
3 October 2024
Onion nutrition education program for health professionals and the food service industry (VN20002)
This investment is delivering evidence-based information about the health benefits of Australian onions to health and food service professionals in Australia.
13 July 2021
A review of the scientific literature on the health and nutrition of sweetpotato (PW20001)
This project communicated the health benefits of Australian sweetpotatoes by developing a range of resources that targeted stakeholders such as consumers and health professionals
20 October 2022
Sweetpotato export strategy (PW20004)
This investment developed an export plan for the Australian sweetpotato industry so that the industry can take advantage of a global expansion in demand.
28 September 2022
Scale and mealybug management options for lychee growers - an extension toolkit (LY20001)
This investment delivered an extension toolkit for lychee growers on how to manage scale and mealybug pests.
20 April 2023
Table grape consumer acceptance and attitudes (TG19003)
This investment is providing the table grape industry with valuable information on the behaviours and attitudes of consumers towards table grape quality.
19 February 2021
Summerfruit market access and trade development project (SF19000)
This project is supporting the summerfruit industry to maintain and develop their export markets
16 July 2024
Cherry market access and trade development (CY18002)
This project supported the export readiness of the Australian cherry industry through helping cherry growers take advantage of existing, new and emerging export opportunities.
27 September 2022
Developing a national systems approach for meeting biosecurity requirements to access key Asian markets (AM17001)
This project supported collaboration between Australian stakeholders to develop a quantitative systems approach for horticultural enterprises so that they realised market opportunities
21 September 2022