101-110 of 248 results
Mushrooms and their potential health benefits of lowering blood cholesterol (MU20001)
This project is generating scientific evidence on mushrooms and their ability to lower blood cholesterol.
17 August 2021
Regulatory support and coordination (pesticides) (MT20007)
This project provided the Australian horticulture industry with key information regarding domestic and international pesticide regulation.
23 September 2024
Australian Mushrooms crisis and risk management (MU18007)
This investment refreshed and maintained a crisis and reputation risk management plan for the Australian mushroom industry
26 July 2021
Mushroom industry crisis and reputation risk management (MU20006)
This investment is maintaining a crisis and reputation risk management plan for the Australian mushroom industry
14 July 2021
Educating the food industry about Australian Mushrooms (MU20003)
This investment is delivering evidence-based information about Australian mushrooms to health and food service professionals in Australia.
14 July 2021
Regulatory support and coordination (pesticides) (MT17019)
Among other thing, this project produced the Ag Chemical Updates, detailing chemical issues and reviews.
9 July 2021
New innovations to improve mushroom whiteness shelf life (MU19005)
This investment investigated new innovations to improve and maintain mushroom whiteness, looking at both pre- and post-harvest factors.
16 March 2021
Phenomenom - The Good Mood Food Module (ST19041)
This project, which was completed during 2020, expanded the number of Phenomenom resources available by adding a module that educates children, parents and teachers on the beneficial mood effects of a diet and lifestyle encompassing horticulture products.
22 February 2021
Seasonal horticulture labour demand and workforce study (ST19040 and ST20008) (ST19040)
This short project ran in 2020 to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the horticulture sector in accessing and securing their casual workforce. The study provided an 18-month outlook on the casual labour demand across different regions, to support industry discussion on longer-term COVID-19 responses
22 February 2021
Extension and adoption for food safety, quality and risk management (MU20000)
This investment is delivering targeted information on food safety, quality and risk management to the mushroom industry
19 February 2021