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Improving consumer satisfaction to increase table grape sales

Presentation on how to improve consumer satisfaction in order to increase table grape sales

24 May 2019


Minimum maturity standards for table grapes in WA

Presentation on WA table grape maturity standards to prevent the sale of sour table grapes

24 May 2019


Department of Agriculture export workshop presentation

Presentation slides about exporting table grapes from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture

21 September 2018


ATGA export workshop presentation

Presentation slides about exporting table grapes, including an overview of last season, updates on the Export Registration System, essential pest monitoring and reporting and labelling of produce

21 September 2018


Market insight reports: cultural festivals and events

New Austrade reports available to assist Australian horticulture businesses that export to better understand opportunities and uses for their produce as gifts and offerings during cultural festivals and events.

9 July 2019

Media Release

Reverse trade mission to entice our Asian neighbours

Media ReleaseIMPORTERS, wholesalers and retailers from six export markets within Asia will touch down on Australian soil next week for the annual AUSVEG Reverse Trade Mission, commissioned by Hort Innovation and supported by the Victorian

11 June 2019

Media Release

Next Gen genetic testing to give growers competitive edge

Media ReleaseFast Facts Rapid and safe access to new plant genetic stocks is crucial for plant primary industries to remain profitable, sustainable and internationally competitive. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) offers a fast, reliable and

21 June 2019

Fact sheet

Spotted wing drosophila project summer 2019 update fact sheet

A fact sheet providing a Summer 2019 update on MT17005, preparedness for an incursion of the exotic pest spotted wing drosophila

30 April 2019