1-10 of 128 results
Optimisation of fungal bio-control agent for varroa mite (PH24001)
This project aims to develop and optimise fungal biological control agents to combat Varroa destructor, a parasitic mite responsible for significant honeybee colony losses worldwide. By creating a sustainable, eco-friendly alternative to chemical treatments, this research supports an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to enhance honeybee health and safeguard global pollination-dependent agriculture.
21 February 2025
Opportunities for insecticide resistant honey bees for pollination security (PH22000)
This project explored the potential use of emerging genetic engineering technologies to introduce beneficial traits into European Honey bees (Apis mellifera)
16 December 2024
Digital remote monitoring to improve horticulture production and environmental performance (AS23006)
This project is providing the Australian horticulture industry with a roadmap that explores options towards establishing industry-agreed ESG parameters and their potential within existing commercial platforms used by horticulture producers.
9 December 2024
Growing horticulture through protected cropping innovation (AS23001)
This investment is helping protected cropping growers maintain profitability by advancing the industry’s approach towards sustainability, agronomy, automation to reduce labour costs, energy, and improving staff skills and management.
9 December 2024
Evaluating on farm water and nutrient recapture in Western Australia (AS23009)
This project is developing a cost-effective system to capture leached nutrients and irrigation water from below the crop root zone and recycle them back onto crops.
18 November 2024
Developing orchardists of the future pilot (LP23001)
This pilot project will build on the Future Orchards extension platform, developed by APAL, for Australian apple and pear growers. The Future Orchards platform is an integrated model that links technical expertise, financial literacy, professional development opportunities, and improved knowledge about integrating market feedback into on-farm activities.
16 October 2024
Driving on-farm productivity with augmented technologies for fruit growers (AS23002)
This program is leveraging the latest augmented reality technology to drive on-farm productivity for berry and table grape growers.
2 October 2024
Genetics for next generation orchards (AS23003)
This project is developing tools for plant breeders to expedite the development of new almond, apple, citrus, macadamia and mango genetics, with the goal of enhancing productivity and profitability in the next generation of orchard systems.
2 October 2024
Progress on bumblebees as commercial pollinators in Australia (PH23001)
This project is providing up-to-date and unbiased information about the environmental impact that wild bumble bees are having in Tasmania, as well as the role they are playing in crop pollination.
1 October 2024
Managing resilient urban greenspaces in Australian cities (GC22012)
This program is developing practical resources to model how urban greenspaces can play a part in mitigating the impact of an increasingly variable climate and variable weather events.
29 July 2024