41-50 of 103 results
Better tree performance and water use efficiency through root system resilience (AL13009)
This investment was part of a coordinated research program to boost almond productivity and profitability by informing better rootstock choice and more efficient irrigation and nutrition strategies.
21 June 2021
National tree crop intensification program (AS18000) – Almond (Almond (AS18000))
This investment is part of a collaborative R&D program of tree crop specific projects established to deliver step-change orchard system intensification knowledge, understanding and technical advancements to the almond industry.
3 May 2021
National tree crop intensification program (AS18000)
This project is delivering step-change orchard system intensification knowledge, understanding and technical advancements to the almond, avocado, citrus, macadamia and mango industries.
3 May 2021
Ex-post impact assessment - industry specific (MT19012)
Through this investment, independent consultants evaluated the impact of R&D investments in the Hort Innovation Almond, Banana, Citrus and Onion Funds.
3 March 2021
Nuts for Life – Educating health professionals (HN19000)
This project funded the Nuts for Life program, which has reduced the gap between Australia’s current average daily consumption of 7 grams of nuts per person per day and the recommended consumption of 30 grams.
23 August 2023
Phenomenom - The Good Mood Food Module (ST19041)
This project, which was completed during 2020, expanded the number of Phenomenom resources available by adding a module that educates children, parents and teachers on the beneficial mood effects of a diet and lifestyle encompassing horticulture products.
22 February 2021
Demonstration of functional driverless tractor for Australian horticulture (AS17002)
This investment is assessing the reliability, accuracy and cost effectiveness of driverless tractor technology across a number of almond orchards in Australia.
22 February 2021
Seasonal horticulture labour demand and workforce study (ST19040 and ST20008) (ST19040)
This short project ran in 2020 to understand the impact of COVID-19 on the horticulture sector in accessing and securing their casual workforce. The study provided an 18-month outlook on the casual labour demand across different regions, to support industry discussion on longer-term COVID-19 responses
22 February 2021
Scanning technologies for horticulture packhouses (ST19022)
This project investigated the potential of in-line scanning technology to detect market access pest and disease organisms.
11 September 2020
Nutrition claims for The Good Mood Food educational website (ST19037)
This investment assessed 70 horticultural commodities for their nutrient composition related to psychological, neurological and energy benefits.
10 December 2020