2071-2080 of 4452 results
Strawberry industry grower profiles
These profiles offer strawberry growers and industry stakeholders an insight into how others are running their businesses and what advice they have to share from their experience so far
30 June 2019
Strawberry variety information cards
These cards provide strawberry growers with key information on the following varieties’ fruit characteristics and agronomic requirements
30 June 2019
Macadamia Nursery Stock specifications and audit checklist
Nursery stock specifications and audit checklist for production of macadamia stock – Appendix 15 of the NIASA Best Management Practice Guidelines
31 July 2019
Revision of the owner reimbursement costs framework for the Australian banana industry (BA16012)
This investment was responsible for revising the Evidence Framework for Reimbursement Costs, developed for the banana industry in response to the freckle incursion in the Northern Territory
29 April 2018

Sterile flies soon to hit NSW and Victorian skies
Media ReleaseCaption: NSW DPI researcher Dr Solomon Balagawi checking a fruit fly trap in Hillston, NSW. MILLIONS OF sterile Queensland Fruit Flies will be released over trial sites in western NSW and northern Victoria this week as scientists
10 September 2019

Aussie horticulture exports hit record high
Media ReleaseCaption: The Taste Australia stand at the Asia Fruit Logistica THE WORLD'S appetite for Australian fruit, nuts and vegetables has skyrocketed with Australian produce exports reaching almost $2.8 billion for the first time – a 27 per
3 September 2019
Integrated pest management for reducing magpie goose damage to mango orchards
A fact sheet providing mango growers with recommendations on how to reduce magpie goose damage to their orchards
30 August 2019
Diagnosing and managing non-pathogenic disorders in production nurseries
This pest management plan for non-pathogenic disorders provides nursery growers with detailed information on diagnosis and management options
31 May 2019
Pest management plan on lepidopteran pests
This pest management plan provides information on caterpillars in production nurseries
31 May 2019
Pest management plan on leaf spot pathogens
This pest management plan provides information on the management of destructive leaf spot diseases and disorders
31 May 2019