1781-1790 of 3485 results
Managing virus diseases on zucchini fact sheet
This fact sheet summarises the symptoms, spread and control measures for viruses affecting zucchinis
9 April 2020
Lettuce necrotic yellows disease in temperate cropping areas of Australia
This fact sheet summarises the symptoms, spread and disease cycle of the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in vegetable crops.
9 April 2020
Virus diseases of lettuce in Australia
This fact sheet summarises the symptoms, spread and disease cycle of tVirus diseases of lettuce in Australia.
9 April 2020
Lettuce necrotic yellows virus in the Lockyer Valley fact sheet
This fact sheet summarises the symptoms, spread and disease cycle of the lettuce necrotic yellows virus
9 April 2020
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in vegetable crops
This fact sheet summarises the symptoms, spread and disease cycle of the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in vegetable crops.
9 April 2020
Viruses infecting brassicas fact sheet
This fact sheet summarises the symptoms, spread and control measures for viruses affecting brassicas
25 March 2020
Australia’s leading health and research institutes urge Australians to continue enjoying fresh produce during COVID-19 outbreak
Media ReleaseTHE ADVICE FROM LEADING HEALTH AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES is that Australians should follow current government advice that there is no evidence COVID-19 can be transmitted through food and extra care should be taken with hygiene when
29 March 2020

The next generation Horticulture Statistics Handbook is here
Media ReleaseCaption: Grower navigating the Horticulture Statistics Handbook online THE LATEST EDITION of the much-anticipated Australian Horticulture Statistics Handbook is now live and boasts an exciting new interactive dashboard with improved
30 March 2020

Growers taste sweet success with innovative tech
Media ReleaseCaption: Professor Kerry Walsh testing dry matter in mango with the F-750 meter. A NON-INVASIVE tool that can determine the ripeness of fruit while still on the tree, eliminate produce waste through manual maturity testing and provide
18 March 2020

Green Walls bridge gap between urban cities and nature
Media ReleaseTHERE IS now a simple and easy way to remove pollution from the air, promote biodiversity and naturally control the temperature in your home – and it’s all thanks to a new community-focused resource designed to help urban dwellers go
16 March 2020