2061-2070 of 3486 results
Literature review on alternative control options to chemical control
Review of the literature on non-chemical control options for the exotic pest, spotted wing drosophila
30 April 2019

Campaign which championed industry nominated to win
MarketingHORT INNOVATION's Hailstorm Heroes campaign has been recognised as an industry champion with marketing manager Olivia Grey named a finalist for the 2019 PMA and Produce Plus Marketer of the Year Award. All five finalists will be showcased
3 June 2019
Cape York & Torres Strait Biosecurity scoping report
Scoping report on emerging biosecurity risks in the Cape York and Torres Strait, that may impact horticultural production in Australia
31 May 2019
Macadamia disease identification guide
Guide to key macadamia diseases to assist growers to identify problems in orchards
30 November 2018
Evaluation of new citrus varieties to 2018 presentation
A presentation on progress in new citrus variety evaluations in 2018.
31 December 2018
Papaya marketing snapshot may 2019
This Hort Innovation Papaya Fund marketing snapshot is from May 2019
30 May 2019

Innovative science is key in the fight against fruit fly
Media ReleaseRESEARCHERS ARE investigating how to implement sex selection in fruit flies in a bid to trump up control and eradication measures for the Australian horticulture industry’s most costly pest. In what has been referred to as “genetic
23 May 2019
Passionfruit marketing snapshot may 2019
This Hort Innovation Passionfruit Fund marketing snapshot is from May 2019
29 May 2019
Avocado industry development and extension (AV17005)
This extension project was responsible for delivering a range of events and resources to help the avocado industry access, understand and implement best practice information.
13 June 2023
Improving plant industry access to new genetics through faster and more accurate diagnostics using next generation sequencing (MT18005)
This investment was tasked with supporting the adoption of ‘next generation sequencing’ in the screening of imported horticultural plant material in post-entry quarantine facilities.
23 August 2023