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Fact sheet

Developing Asian markets for Australian strawberries

This fact sheet provides growers with a snapshot of the current export situation for strawberries in Asian markets and a list of key considerations that should be made

28 June 2019

Media Release

Aussie horticulture exports hit record high

Media ReleaseCaption: The Taste Australia stand at the Asia Fruit Logistica THE WORLD'S appetite for Australian fruit, nuts and vegetables has skyrocketed with Australian produce exports reaching almost $2.8 billion for the first time – a 27 per

3 September 2019


Department of Agriculture export workshop presentation

Presentation slides about exporting table grapes from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture

21 September 2018


ATGA export workshop presentation

Presentation slides about exporting table grapes, including an overview of last season, updates on the Export Registration System, essential pest monitoring and reporting and labelling of produce

21 September 2018

Media Release

Reverse trade mission to entice our Asian neighbours

Media ReleaseIMPORTERS, wholesalers and retailers from six export markets within Asia will touch down on Australian soil next week for the annual AUSVEG Reverse Trade Mission, commissioned by Hort Innovation and supported by the Victorian

11 June 2019

Completed project

Low-dose methyl bromide fumigation of plums (SF18000)

To help support market access protocol negotiations, this investment produced data packages relating to the use of low-dose methyl bromide fumigation for Australian plums.

29 May 2020

Completed project

Treatment for mites on lychee fruit prior to irradiation for improved market access (LY16002)

This project explored parraffinic oil and fruit washing as an effective approach to removing mites and micro insect pests prior to export of lychees.

4 April 2019

Completed project

Agrichemical residue monitoring program for Australian citrus exports – stage 2 (CT15016)

This investment continued, improved and expanded on the Australian Citrus Pesticide Residue Monitoring Program (ACPRMP).

28 March 2019

Completed project

Mite and insect disinfestation of lychee fruit using high pressure water sprays (LY18000)

This investment investigated how to optimise the use of high-pressure water to remove surface pests on lychees.

31 March 2020

Media Release

The 2017/18 Hort Stats Handbook released

Media ReleaseTHE MOST comprehensive and contemporary data available on all sectors of the Australian horticulture industry is now available through the release of the 2017/18 Horticulture Statistics Handbook. Released by Hort Innovation, the

11 March 2019