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Case study

Strawberry industry grower profiles

These profiles offer strawberry growers and industry stakeholders an insight into how others are running their businesses and what advice they have to share from their experience so far

30 June 2019

Fact sheet

Strawberry variety information cards

These cards provide strawberry growers with key information on the following varieties’ fruit characteristics and agronomic requirements

30 June 2019

Media Release

$10M funding injection to support the eradication of Qfly

Media ReleaseAUSTRALIAN RESEARCH into sterile insect technology has been strengthened through a $10 million collaborative project managed by Hort Innovation, with significant cash contributions by Western Sydney University (WSU) and the Government

18 July 2019


Don't waste coir from hydroponics summary

Summary of available options for managing spent coir

10 May 2019

Media Release

Keeping Australia's bees free from broken wing disorders

Media ReleaseImage credit: Dr Ethel Villalobos, University of Hawaii. PARASITIC VARROA mites can magnify the damage from a common virus in honeybees that can cause deformities in the bees’ wings, according to a review published in the Annual Review

5 July 2019

Media Release

Reverse trade mission to entice our Asian neighbours

Media ReleaseIMPORTERS, wholesalers and retailers from six export markets within Asia will touch down on Australian soil next week for the annual AUSVEG Reverse Trade Mission, commissioned by Hort Innovation and supported by the Victorian

11 June 2019

Fact sheet

Spotted wing drosophila project summer 2019 update fact sheet

A fact sheet providing a Summer 2019 update on MT17005, preparedness for an incursion of the exotic pest spotted wing drosophila

30 April 2019

Media Release

Innovative science is key in the fight against fruit fly

Media ReleaseRESEARCHERS ARE investigating how to implement sex selection in fruit flies in a bid to trump up control and eradication measures for the Australian horticulture industry’s most costly pest. In what has been referred to as “genetic

23 May 2019