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Media Release

$10M funding injection to support the eradication of Qfly

Media ReleaseAUSTRALIAN RESEARCH into sterile insect technology has been strengthened through a $10 million collaborative project managed by Hort Innovation, with significant cash contributions by Western Sydney University (WSU) and the Government

18 July 2019

Media Release

Our sustainable future starts today

Media ReleaseDECISION MAKERS are being encouraged and empowered to make conscientious choices around urban greening in Australian cities. Trees provide well recognised benefits to human health and wellbeing, and by regulating temperature and

16 July 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

Understanding and managing the role of honey bees in CGMMV epidemiology (VM18008)

This project determined the mechanisms by which honey bees introduce CGMMV into healthy cucurbit plants and developed recommendations to manage the transmission of CGMMV by honey bees.

15 December 2021

Completed project Final Research Report

Banana industry communications program (BA18001)

This investment was responsible for keeping Australian banana growers informed about industry R&D and other news and developments in a timely way.

10 January 2023

Fact sheet

How does the surrounding landscape affect beneficials on your farm?

This fact sheet guides optimal placement of vegetable crops in relation to landscape features

22 September 2020


Suppressing vegetable pests on your farm

Article presenting early findings from a survey of pests and beneficials found in vegetable crops across Australia

22 February 2019

Fact sheet

Boosting beneficials in your vegetable crop

This factsheet provides ways to positivley enhance your vegetable crops

22 February 2019

Ongoing project

Developing a database of bio-markers for compost quality control to maximise mushroom production yield (MU17006)

This investment is exploring how microbial populations within compost can be used to understand, measure and manipulate compost quality.

12 July 2019

Data and insights

Productivity and factory reject trends 2009-2019

This report presents benchmark data from the 2009 to 2019 seasons relating to factory insect damage trends by season, region, tree age and farm size.

12 April 2021


Macadamia plant protection guide 2019-20

This guide aims to provide macadamia growers with up-to-date information on all aspects of protecting their orchards from pests and diseases

21 December 2018