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Ongoing project

National Fruit Fly Council – Phase 4 (FF20000)

The National Fruit Fly Council (NFFC) is a strategic body bringing together federal and state governments, growers and research funders to oversee the implementation of the National Fruit Fly Strategy.

2 August 2022

Completed project

SITplus: Port Augusta Qfly SIT factory pilot operation (FF15000)

This investment funded the operations of the Port Augusta mass rearing facility that uses sterile insect technique (SIT)

10 May 2022

Completed project Final Research Report

Breeding a male-only strain of Queensland fruit fly (FF18002)

This investment worked towards developing a male-selecting strain of Queensland fruit fly for use in the Port August SITplus facility.

16 August 2023

Ongoing project

Biosecurity preparedness for oriental fruit fly (FF18001)

This investment is ensuring Australia is equipped with the tools necessary to react to an incursion of oriental fruit fly.

10 August 2021

Completed project

Adaptive area-wide management of Queensland fruit fly using the sterile insect technique: Guidelines for efficient and effective pest suppression and stakeholder adoption (ST15014 and ST15015)

This grant-funded project investigated, trialled and finalised guidelines and resources for the area-wide management of Queensland fruit fly.

3 July 2020

Media Release

Caffeine linked to rapid testicle growth, stronger sex drive in male fruit flies

Media ReleaseIN THEIR quest to create the ‘ultimate sterile male fruit fly’ to attract wild females and curb a pest that is costing Australian farmers up to $300 million in lost markets each year, scientists have turned to caffeine. A recent study,

29 January 2020

Media Release

Strengthening horticulture ties with India

Media ReleaseMAJOR AGRIBUSINESS companies, retail food chains and horticulture import giants are among the stops on a relationship-building tour being conducted by Hort Innovation in India this week. Starting in Delhi tomorrow, the tour aims to

11 November 2019

Completed project Final Research Report

SITplus: Port Augusta Qfly SIT factory pilot operation (FF18003)

This investment continued to support the operations of the sterile Queensland fruit fly facility established in Port Augusta, South Australia.

16 August 2023

Media Release

Sterile flies soon to hit NSW and Victorian skies

Media ReleaseCaption: NSW DPI researcher Dr Solomon Balagawi checking a fruit fly trap in Hillston, NSW. MILLIONS OF sterile Queensland Fruit Flies will be released over trial sites in western NSW and northern Victoria this week as scientists

10 September 2019

Media Release

$10M funding injection to support the eradication of Qfly

Media ReleaseAUSTRALIAN RESEARCH into sterile insect technology has been strengthened through a $10 million collaborative project managed by Hort Innovation, with significant cash contributions by Western Sydney University (WSU) and the Government

18 July 2019